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The Virus Of Marketing

By March 24, 2017July 9th, 2024No Comments

What is Viral Marketing

Minimal budgets and maximum effect is what all marketers wish to achieve. If you think about it, doesn’t that sound similar to a virus? V-marketing or viral marketing allow the community to spread the message on its own without much interference from the marketers. How to do so then? The answer is social media. In today’s society,  almost everybody has their own social media account. With the power of social media you can make your marketing campaign go viral!

Types of Viral Marketing

There are many types of viral marketing. To begin with, Youtube is one good example of embeddable viral marketing because the founders listen to the feedbacks of the users and made an innovative way to satisfy the needs of the user. Next is viral signature marketing which allows the user know if what is the use of the site when he knows the signature of the website. Last but not least we have viral incentive marketing. This type of viral marketing offers users some incentives or rewards from services or products.

Social media is used as a medium for businesses to attract the interest and attention of audience. Viral marketing is one way of promoting your business and expanding your customer base Some of the viral marketing examples includes creating viral videos. With a viral video, viewer will be interested in the campaign and share the link of its video with their friends and family . 

How to spread the virus?

Some viral marketing techniques are more effective than others. One of the most effective techniques is when brands give away  free products or services. Freebies can easily catch the attention of the media users. Even though, brands may not be able to get an increase in sales directly but they certainly can benefit from them in the future. It can said said that this is the first step to gain your customers’ trust and interest.


Is viral marketing always good?

Viral marketing has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantage is that your campaign message will spread like wildfire at a low cost. However, the disadvantages lies in the creativity of the campaign. The marketing campaign must be an original concept and creative. Once your campaign goes viral, you can’t control it. This means that you are not in control of the feedback from the viewer. In the case that, the audience react negatively to the campaign, it may negatively affect the image of your brand.

Viral Marketing in Singapore

One of the successful social media campaigns in Singapore is by Burger King Singapore. Burger King Singapore has been successful to differentiate itself from its competition by using their Facebook to offer some great deals for a limited time for their customers. This is proven to be an effective strategy as other fast food restaurants began to use similar strategy later on.