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7 Things My Boss Should Know About Influencer Marketing

By January 15, 2017July 5th, 2024No Comments

 A Letter to my Boss

Number matters.

“I think you should know about this. The number of their followers, especially Instagram, affect the reach of our marketed product. The higher the number, the better. Choosing the top social media influencers like Kristina Bazan and Chiara Ferragni is a must.”

His/her market should match our market.

“Oh but wait! Which product are we going to include in the influencer-marketing strategy? If it is our international high fashion lines, then I would highly recommend someone like Kristina Bazan, my ultimate muse – definitely one of the top choices. But for the local brand we have, it is better to hire Andrea Chong. Oh no, don’t tell me you want to influencer-market our new F&B outlet at Sengkang? I think Burpler will do. It is one of the best influencer marketing agency and platform for foodies in Singapore. Choose the right influencer for the right product, boss. The pay is not cheap…he/she should be worth our money.”

Our branding is in the hand of the influencer.

“And please Boss, do not go for the influencer who looks like having a gangsta lifestyle because we do not sell tattoos. You said to me that our fashion brands are targeted towards the atas market and made to look classy, right? Our chosen influencer should embody the same image as our vision.”

More is definitely better than one.

“To be honest, hiring only one social media influencer may not be enough, especially if we want to sell our product like a lifestyle. It is either we pay a number of social media influencers with similar backgrounds that match our image and target market, or, pay a high amount of money to only one social media influencer but let him/her do their influencer marketing magic. Usually, the higher the payment, the better he/she is at “fusing” our product into his real daily life, making our product’s quality to be much more convincing!”

But quality speaks louder.

“But really, besides great influencer marketing, our product quality has to be as great. Sometimes some brands do not need many influencers to create a long-lasting presence in the market because they have top-notch quality that other new emerging brands cannot beat! Our company has to be that kind of company, Boss.”

And appreciation generates automatic influencer marketing for free.

“Then, consumers loyalty also lies on how we treat our customers. I think we should show appreciation to those who bought our product through our social media accounts too. For example, we can repost and tag them as they have purchased and post our product on their instagram. I have this beautiful experience with brand Valentino. Valentino repost my artworks, they appreciate it! I know I am not rich enough yet to buy their product but this action makes me to keep mentioning Valentino as my favourite brand. I’m not kidding here.”

Hence, don’t stop there.

“Well, in short, using influencer marketing strategy and hiring social media influencer is a great plan, but we should not rely on external factors too much. We still have to maintain the internal factors (quality and character) to the highest standard in order to achieve the best outcome for the whole company. But I believe in you, Boss. We will do greatly.”

“So tell me, Boss, which influencers you have on the list and for which product?”

Credits: Feliciana Natali