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The Power Behind Instagram’s Shoot Square Photo

By January 21, 2017July 9th, 2024No Comments

instagram marketing, influencer marketing, kobe

Instagram has gone beyond just a platform to upload users’ OOTD photos. Brands these days are harnessing this tool as a platform for their brand marketing. The intangible aspect of brand marketing consists of brand identity and buyer loyalty. Less time can be spent on finding potential customers once sufficient followers are able to relate to your brand. This is because more Instagram users will feature your product on their posts.

Influencers on Instagram

Now, the mediums to achieve a level of high response is varied. One of the most effective ways is to engage in Instagram influencers. Who constitutes as a Instagram influencer then? They are the modern day celebrities who have the power to engage their followers through their style of writing. Thus, they have undoubted ability in creating high quality digital content and engagement. But if you’re thinking that influencers are those celebrities you see on television screens, then you are wrong. Everyday instagram users who have at least a thousand followers too can be persuasive in their own ways!

Tapping on Influencer’s followers

With a large follower base, influencers are able to gain the trust of their followers as they introduce your brand’s product. They play a crucial role as a middleman messenger between your business idea and potential customers who might be hearing about you for the first time! It is imperative that you find an influencer whose style speaks of what your brand stands for. Thus, your business can largely benefit from the increased brand awareness brought about by these Instagram influencers, hence expanding on your brand’s followers reach.

In addition, it is also essential that these influencers you engage in include your brand’s exclusive personality to avoid any mismatch in brand value. They can either tag your brand in the photo or caption’s segment of the post. You will be surprised by how this small call to action in the influencer’s post is able to yield a positive response from their followers. On the other hand, it is your duty to be strategic about your page’s bio link and content as your Instagram page could well be a stepping stone for your potential consumers to land on your ecommerce site.

Micro influencers

Consequently, the reciprocity of response that is elicited from the influencer’s post could translate to loyal fans of your brand. It is even more compelling if your brand is able to get a few everyday micro-influencers writing about your brand. It is interesting to note that every 1,000 of their followers is able to convert to an average of 37 likes per photo of your brand. When you are expecting such a result after learning about the density rendered to your brand, it will be more optimising if you could get your everyday micro influencers to follow a certain extent of posting schedule. This would ensure that the traffic to your site is spread out and does not fizzle in response after a period of satisfying engagement.

Lastly, ensure that their posts and your brand are in line with consumer demographics. After all, they are your brand ambassadors. As you would be very well versed by now,  your brand should be catering to multiple group of relevant audiences. This is because casting a bigger net in the ocean increases your chance of catching more fishes. Hopefully you are more convinced about that distinctive shoot square style of Instagram photos can turn viewers into buyers.


Kissmetrics: A Blog about Analytics, Marketing and Testing. “How to Use Your Instagram to Promote Your Brand and Drive Sales.”

Social Media Examiner: “13 Instagram Marketing Tips From the Experts.” July 2015

Credit: Octavilia Budianto