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Instagram: A Platform For Influencer And Social Media Marketing in 2017

By February 8, 2017July 4th, 2024No Comments
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Easy Guide: 4 Steps to Finding Instagram Influencers

What is Instagram and why is it important?

instagram influencers, influencers

Instagram is one of the latest social networks around. As a user-friendly mobile application, this platform brings out the mobile photography geniuses in all of us. It allows the user to capture photos and videos of whatever they like and edit them as they want. It also allows the users to share it with their friends and family.

Just like Twitter and Facebook, there is a newsfeed and a personal profile. You can interact with people by following them. There are options to like, comment, tag, and chat with people. Through Instagram, you can also connect with other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, if you want some privacy, you can adjust the security settings to suit your preferences.

Instagram is home to 600 million users worldwide. The number of users continues to grow exponentially each day. Advertising and marketing have changed big time due to the growth of social networking. Nowadays, Instagram is the top platform for advertising. All types of businesses use Instagram to reach out to their potential consumers – either in the form of paid advertising, through their own Instagram account or through other Instagram Influencers.

Instagram and Influencer Marketing

Popularized by recent social media marketing trends, “Influencers” refers to popular online individuals, celebrities, or bloggers alike that have online properties with high following in terms of traffic or fan count regardless of the social media platform (e.g. Blog, Facebok, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest etc.)

In fact, influencers are quite simply people who can cast an influence over others – and truth to be told, an influencer lives in every one of us. We all have beliefs, values and ideas that we’re passionate about. Unknowingly, we influence people around us to share likeminded thinking too.

Some popular Singaporean influencers include Naomi Neo, Jian Hao Tan and Wendy Cheng (Xiaxue).

In a nutshell, Instagram influencers refer to individuals who can cast an influence over their followers. Read on for some tips for finding Instagram influencers to help grow your businesses.

1. Research – Google, Google, Google

The most important thing to do is to research. Every business owner or marketing agency must be fully aware of what is it that they are selling and the nature of their social media platforms. Who is your targeted audience and what type of influencer is required by them?

It is vital to know the little details. For example, the first thing the business owners must do is to get to know their product or service inside out. Only by knowing it fully can they achieve the desired results.

2. KYC – Know Your Customer

Next, they must know about their consumers. Some key features you’ll need to note are the age group of the target audience, the reason for purchase and for whom are they purchasing products for. Such information will not only help them improve their product but will also help them advertise accordingly. This is where the influencer comes in. The business owners must search for suitable Instagram influencers that are in line with the company’s product and can help them make a sale by appealing to their goods’ targeted audience.

3. Look at Influencer Metrics

There are influencers associated with all types of markets. Whether it’s sports, photography, fashion or lifestyle. You can pick whoever you like. Finding Instagram influencers is about searching for the profiles databased by the amount of traffic generated, types of market, expenses, and locations. This will help you to employ the best possible candidate for your business.

4. Say Hi to your Influencers

This final part is integral to your business’s growth and success. Before deciding, you must look across hundreds of influencers that can be compatible with your company across various social media platforms. Finding Instagram influencers is about narrowing them down and keeping an eye on them for a considerable period of time. Get to know them better. Look at how they respond to people. Also, observe their followers and comments on their Instagram pictures instead of focusing solely on the type of content they create daily and the traffic generated by them. Finally, make an informed decision by keeping in mind your potential customers and product or service. Employ that Instagram influencer who ticks the most boxes for you.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]