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Influencer Marketing StrategyMarketers

The Essence Of Influencer Marketing in 2018 With Influencer Marketing Examples

By November 25, 2018July 9th, 2024No Comments

Influencer marketing 2018

Influencer marketing 2018: Key influencer marketing strategy and influencer marketing examples. Social media evolution and constantly changing customer preferences creates a number of challenges for marketers. Hence, at the end of 2018 it’s not going to get any easier. 

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Ad blockers, a decline in popularity of traditional media, and more sophisticated tastes from audiences require effective measures – aggressive enough to beat the competitors, and subtle enough to avoid excessive advertising that can put a customer off.

Growing Acceptance among Businesses

The phenomenon has occurred relatively naturally. As bloggers and celebrities have been looking to monetize, whilst marketers have been searching for additional tools to drive brand awareness. Once combined, it has become such a powerful marketing symbiosis that according to a study by eMarketer, 85% of marketers worldwide are going to execute at least one influencer marketing campaign this year.


The line between recommendation and marketing

person wearing brown shoes standing on yellow line roadway during daytime

Hence, this coming year the line between a recommendation and marketing is likely to become clearer. The aim for transparency is getting higher in demand. More and more influencer marketing examples are proving this. Thus, customers are also turning more conscious of labelled sponsored content. Instagram is also supporting the transparency movement with sponsored content tags.

Influencer Marketing 2018 and beyond

Ad blockers will continue to stop publishers and brands from getting consumers’ attention. Therefore, influencer marketing 2018 is going to be heavily utilised heavily in 2019. Refer to other influencer marketing examples for more information!