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Kobe Raw – Influencer Interview With @odessaling

By March 22, 2018July 9th, 2024No Comments

Featuring Influencer – @odessaling

As influencer marketing is getting more and more popular, are you interested to find out more about the life of an influencer? In this Kobe Raw,  it is the best opportunity for you to understand the life of influencers.

In this article, the featured influencer is @odessaling. Let’s find out more from her in this short article.

What does being an influencer mean to you?

To me, I think being an influencer has a much deeper meaning besides simply taking instaworthy pictures. They are advocates who entail a great responsibility for their social media content and their audience.

 Do you face any challenges being an influencer?

I think one of the biggest challenges would be to curate content that is genuine and sincere to my audience and friends.

Sometimes, this line can be blurred because of certain requirements for the collaboration with brands. However, as influencers, I feel that it is of most important to provide your audience with the most sincere feedback.

Hence, I would try my best to be objective yet truthful at the same time.

 Share one interesting aspect of your influencer journey.

As I started to be more open to my followers, they are more open to me as well. Sometimes, I get random comments and PMs about them asking me some travel information or tips. I would always try my best to answer them.

Recently, I went to Liverpool to watch a football match and this person actually pm-ed me asking me to take a picture of his name with the stadium as the background. So I thought why not and I did!

I wrote his name in my phone and took a picture for him with the stadium as the background. He was super thankful and happy. Even though I did not do much, but I felt so happy that I made someone else’s (a complete stranger) day. The power of social media


How is your experience working with Kobe?

Working with Kobe is great. The campaigns I usually receive from them are suitable for me. And the whole process of working with them is quite intuitive, from knowing the payout, the campaign details and the submission of the posts. I would say everything is very transparent between me and them. I really enjoy working with Kobe.


We will be updating Kobe Raw for you to find out more about the influencers. Stay tune!