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How To Set The Right Social Media Influencer Rates

By October 7, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

Setting the right rate

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What’s the right Instagram influencer pricing? What’s social media influencer rates or instagram influencer rates? With an industry made up of hundreds of thousands of different influencers — each with his or her individual following, interests and platforms. Hence, one of the trickiest areas of the is to determine the pricing for influencer marketing campaigns with individuals.

Current market Social media influencer rates

The industry has no uniform pricing standards, so those prices can vary widely for a long list of reasons. 

  • Quality of content and photography
  • Social reach across all platforms: How many followers does the influencer have?
  • Total engagement (likes, comments, etc.) does the influencer receive?
  • Does the content overlap across platforms?
  • How long is the influencer being given to create the content?
  • Exclusivity partnership rights
  • Can the brand reuse the content for its own use

Generally, the more that brands ask of influencers- the higher the cost. 

Bundle pricing: Instagram influencer pricing

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Bundle pricing involves paying for a grouping of posts, typically across different social platforms, in one package. This tends to be the more cost-effective option. Bundle pricing is particularly dependent on the tier of influencers involved.

This pricing method is extremely effective in a few different circumstances.

  • Already paying a considerable amount for the influencer to create content.
  • Works well for brands that have had prior success across various platforms, and want to maximize the impact of a campaign.

Finally, this pricing model is perfect for brands and marketers looking for a more holistic approach to influencer marketing. Hence, on a campaign that will stand the test of time and reach a variety of different audiences is useful.

Single partnership price: instagram influencer rates


This means pricing by post,where is typically more expensive per post than bundled content pricing. This pricing model is more like a project-based partnership than a full comprehensive campaign. An influencer may do just one piece of content across one or more social platforms, and the client-brand will pay for it.

Influencer Marketing Platform

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The most common platform for influencer marketing is Instagram. Pricing for a single Instagram post is often calculated by the formula of $100 for every 10,000 followers. However, most collaborations between influencers and brands span multiple platforms. Influencers are already creating content for at least one platform, so it makes sense to translate that content to additional platforms for a bigger reach.

Expect the unexpected costs

There are a few additional costs to think about when negotiating the right price. It’s important to remember that pricing for collaborations is still a relatively new concept. In any case, negotiations are almost always present at the start of any brand and influencer collaboration.

Understand the full scope of what you’re paying for

At the very least, the cost of most campaigns includes the production of content, the distribution and tailoring according to your needs.

These factors can all impact the total cost. The number of hours going into a collaboration is another consideration for influencers. For example, if the post requires time away from their daily lives, and travel, the cost may rise. When negotiating with an influencer, remember that these outside factors must be taken into consideration.

Always set a specific budget dedicated to influencer marketing.