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influencer marketingInfluencer Marketing Strategy

5 Tip To Build Your Influencer Marketing Strategy

By November 25, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

How to build an influencer marketing strategy?

Influencer marketing strategy example and influencer marketing strategy to how to build an influencer marketing strategy. Influencer marketing has become a prime choice for brands that want to increase exposure and get connected with a larger pool of potential customers. In fact, 94% of people who use influencer marketing believe it to be effective.


There’s no question that influencer marketing is a worthwhile pursuit for growing brands. But, what comes into question is the way brands tackle their campaigns.

Do your research

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When you want influencers to engage with your product or service you need to do the groundwork first to build a relationship with the influencer. Identify relevant influencers to connect with using tools such as Traacker and then focus on building the relationship. Think about how you can help the influencer. Share their content, promote their books, answer their questions.  The more you can help the more they will want to help.


Know their style and use it to your advantage

One common way to incorporate influencer marketing is featuring expert opinions on your blog and a winning formula for this ultimately brings value to your audience, the influencers you want to connect with and you. When you choose the right people, you end up with a win-win for both of you and that should be your ultimate goal.

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The better you can understand the personal objectives of the influencers you are trying to reach, the better you can appeal to them when trying to engage them in your campaign. For example, if you’re doing an article on “Why Mobile Marketing Is The Future,” then your best place to start is finding people who are already championing that with their personal brand.

When you know the beat of the influencer you’re trying to reach, position your pitch so it’s clear what they have to gain from it and how that aligns with what they are already doing. As a side note, make sure you tell them some numbers related to your audience (traffic + email subscribers) and how you plan to promote the content that will feature them.

Don’t worry if your numbers aren’t ridiculously huge right away, the more important thing is that you’re honest, look professional and, more importantly, the influencer looks good in the final product.


Make It as Effortless as Possible

When you’re asking someone else to get on board with you and your product, it’s best to lay everything out for them on a silver platter. How to build an influencer marketing strategy? Think of it as a partnership. We’re all busy people so the easier you can make it for an influencer to talk about you and your product the better. Whenever we partner with influencers we will do all of the hard work; pulling content, designing collateral, making emails, etc. Influencer marketing strategy example is to get the message to the right audience. The most important thing you can do is recognize that their time is valuable (as is yours) and build a relationship that respects that.

Don’t Ignore Influencers with Small Audiences

An influencer doesn’t necessarily have to have a huge reach. If your goal is to create content to use on your Instagram account, using a brand advocate that takes amazing photos may work better for you than paying top dollar for a celebrity. Many influencer marketing strategy example explained this.



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How to build an influencer marketing strategy? Once you have posted a new piece of content that an influencer has contributed to, be sure to e-mail that influencer to thank them for their work and to ask them to share the content with their audience. Following up with them in the days that follow to let them know if their content performed particularly well. One Influencer marketing strategy example is if there are comments for them to respond to?