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Influencer Marketing Strategy: How To Plan And Execute Your Campaign

By November 3, 2018July 8th, 2024No Comments

Planning Influencer Marketing Strategy

Influencer strategy example and influencer marketing examples are important for your Influencer Marketing Strategy, you can start from…

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After selection an Influencer

Having selected and contacted a suitable influencer, the next step is to design and agree on the campaign. As this process is central to the collaboration, certain difficulties can arise. Your objective as a brand is to get your message across as clearly as possible throughout your Influencer marketing strategy – and we’re going to help you do that.

At the same time, the influencer doesn’t want to lose their individual tone or uniqueness. To aid the process, the most important thing is to have a very clear idea of what you want for your brand out of this campaign, then plan to make it happen. That way, you will be able to make concise proposals to the influencer when discussing the type of content that will be produced.

Working as a team involves taking the best that each contributor has to offer in order to end up with a solid end product. The influencer knows their public (which is also your public) and knows how to approach them; you know your brand, your product and the benefits that it offers. Make the most of this knowledge pairing.

Content Creation with Influencer Marketing examples

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Content creation is a stressful practice these days, and everyone wants new things to post. You can refer to some Influencer Marketing examples for inspirations. You’re offering them something new, and, if you’re creative, you can offer them something irresistible – for you both. The collaboration, then, is above all a matter of developing a win-win situation where both you and the influencer will benefit on a professional level.

So how do you go about planning an influencer marketing strategy ?

  1. Setting objectives


As with any other strategy, the first issue for your influencer marketing strategy is to clearly understand what you want to achieve. Your aim might range from something small such as getting a certain number of likes on a photo to something much bigger like reaching a specified number of daily sales. Other examples of campaign objectives could be: garner loyalty in new customers, generate buzz around your brand, achieve sales conversion rates, establish a relationship with the public, improve B2B ties, increase the number of installations of your app, get a certain number of users posting on your hashtag, to name but a few.

This first step will define the whole influencer marketing strategy, meaning that it’s crucial to get things as clear as possible before the planning stage. Try to set out realistic, quantitative aims that will be measurable over time – that way you can take that information and anlayze it in the future. (Meaning your campaigns just keep getting better!)

  1. Designing the campaign

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One of the most important factors to take into account is the budget for your campaign. First and foremost, you’ll need to determine how much you’re going to invest before calculating how much the return will be. Remember that the costs can include diverse expenses such as research, product samples, special promotions for the public and the cost of the strategy-planning itself. In the world of influencer marketing strategy, many brands simply opt to send a product sample to the influencer and wait for the related post to appear. In the short run, this practice can lead to disappointing results like an inadequate message. However on some occasions it can result in an instant hit, especially when timing and spontaneity are taken advantage of.

  1. Co-creating content


Once you’ve determined your influencer marketing strategy –  co-creating is the next logical step.

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Here you decide what each post says and how the content will evolve during the campaign. This will test the ability of the brand and influencer to work as a team. If effective messages are created to match the brand message. The content needs to be consistent with the influencer’s profile, so followers will want to talk about it and share.

  1. Executing

To reach this stage, everything else needs to have been set out and decided. So what now?

Don’t passively wait for the influencer to do your influencer marketing campaign. A detailed tracking of the campaign will later help you with measurement and assessment. You’ll need to prepare spreadsheets where you can enter all of the tracking data. You could also use specialized programs for this purpose. 

  1. Measuring effectivenessperson showing thumb


This is an essential step for any campaign. It is the phase to show if effort has paid off and what aspects could be improved upon. Doing a campaign without a precise measurement of results is like throwing away half the work involved.