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Drivers Of Change In Digital Marketing

By October 11, 2017July 5th, 2024No Comments

Driving Changes in Digital Marketing

Trends to take note for effective marketing

In the field of business-to-business industry marketing, there will always be a rapid and ongoing process of change. The changes will constantly evolve in digital marketing. This will force the CEOs and other executives to rethink the processes.

Therefore, it is essential to consider the following trends in the process of Marketing Strategy and Internet Marketing.

Internetinternet, data around the world

The today’s trend is more on laptop, tablets and mobile phones. One of trends and drivers of change is the responsive design and the pervasive mobility. These trends provide people with identical capabilities. In some other cases, tablet and other mobile phones are faster and more efficient than desktop or personal computers. Through the responsive design, you can provide your prospects with a dynamic and the best online experience. With the help of the responsive design, this will allow you to deliver a high quality of web experience in any type of ranges and even in any screen sizes and delivering a high quality. In order to meet the device’s needs, there is a need to reconfigure the content of the elements dynamically.


Data (Internet of Things)

graph, analytics

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly. Reports have said that there is a growing increase in the number of connected devices. The industry provides several examples of how the Internet of Things is making difference into our daily lives. In a world where there is a continuous connection, the trend is more on how business is dynamically moving to more adjacent capabilities in their software. One of the marketing strategies is when companies will manufacture their product then they will connect their product on their mobile app which is a software. The Internet of Things is helping business to go through beyond their hardware and software capabilities. This is an effective way of helping the company to increase their sales.



mobile devices, portable devices

The booming industry of mobile is continuously gaining trust from the digital media. Many of this business in mobile marketing has gained success and they were able to build large profit for their business. Facebook is one of the giants of both mobile and social. In 2017, the social media and mobile revenue in Facebook were reported to have a great increase. Mobile apps such as the Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter are the most commonly used mobile and social apps of the today’s millennials. The used of Augmented Reality is also made possible with the mobile technology and continuously invade the world of digital marketing. The global use of mobile phones and apps continues to climb. As these continue to climb, there will be more generation of leads digital marketing.



spreading, known to people

In terms of digital marketing, there is a need to encourage a sense of sharing. This is all about social advocacy and the ability to share among peers. The idea of social engagement among peers is very helpful to business and to the world of digital marketing. The social economy and social engagement as part of the social media strategy is building momentum among the users. We can actually see the idea of sharing in the most industry such as the hotels and even on the Uber in providing fair services for their drivers and passengers.


As the processes of business continue to change such as with the sales and other business decisions, businesses will continue to create marketing solutions that will help their business to succeed.