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Top Instagram Updates: 2018 Edition

By March 18, 2018July 10th, 2024No Comments

Instagram updates in 2018

Hello instagram lovers! New year new me right? The instagram team have also decided to revamp instagram to provide you with a better experience than before. Starting 2018 with a bang, here’s new updates we super love!

G I F s

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Do you feel like there’s something missing in your snaps?? Instagram has recently partnered with Giphy to provide users that something extra! With the new cute animated GIFs, here’s what you have been missing. You can find them at the same place with the other sticker options.

Here’s a tip: The gifs on the first page is usually those in trend! You can always it the search bar to find the perfect fit. Do you think this collaboration has gotta be the best yet? We do!



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Don’t you like the freedom Instagram gives you?

Now with more fonts, you can better suit them to your stories.

Cute, fun, typo, these insta fonts got it covered.

Remember to update your instagram and try them!

Type only stories

Image result for insta story create option
Got some nice quotes of poems? Or you simply just wanna see something but you need a matching photo? Now you don’t have to find a perfect picture for your background anymore. This new instagram story feature appears right at the bottom of the screen. Alongside other options like boomering, live, handsfree and more!


At this function, you can simply type out anything. You can choose to coordinate the colours of the background too! 🙂

This new feature is something like Facebook’s status update. We can expect to see more customisation options in the future! Like more fonts, more background and colours!

This new feature is a fun way to add more personal touch in your stories. It can be a very handy function for both brands and direct messages dialouges! For example you can simply use it to make an announcement, share a discount code. This new function makes the process of sharing quicker and so much easier than before.

Keep your memories for more than 24 hours

They can be memory of a lifetime now. You can now keep them alive on your profile as story highlights. The best part is… you can customise them! Based on the themes, you can name them and assign your favourite cover photos to them. If you don’t want them in the limelight, you can still watch them through your archives!

Stories Archive

Image result for instastory archiveThis new functions saves all your stories. It’s something like a cloud function, where it’s automatic after 24 hours.



Show more with full sized images

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Do you hate it when you have to crop your photos so it’s perfectly squared? And then there’s just that something missing from the photo. WIth great power in this new function, you can add portrait or landscape photos onto your feed with the perfect fit. You are no longer confined to the square fit, and it’s really up to you to find the perfect fit. Here’s how you can enjoy this freedom: When you upload a photo, check out the bottom left. Tap and untap to square or unsquare your photos.

Tip: try it out on various styles and find out which engages the most with your audience. Keep an eye on the likes and comments to compare!


New activity status

Image result for instagram activity status

You know last seen on whatsapp? Yeah now Instagram has it too! As we know instagram has been building on its messaging functions. Now on your direct messages screen, you can see when the people whom you have last chatted last used Instagram. Creepy or cool?

This new option is a default instagram function. You can choose to off it, and same goes for instagram, if you disable it, you won’t be able to see the same info for anyone else.

This function is available across Android and IOS.

Paid partnership features

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We don’t have to emphasis on the power of influencer marketing now. That’s why many brands have aligned with online influencers to reach their target audiences. The controversy of instagram advertisments has attracted a lot of attention. In light of this growing partnership, instagram has rolled out a new paid partnership tag function. Influencers can now disclose their paid posts on the top of their posts (where location tags will be at). This feature is essecntially a branded content tag tool. This is easy for both brands, content creators and customers to identify posts and make purchase decisions.

Beyond this, this feature offer an indirect benefit for brands, where they can now gather more impressions online. Why?

With this new feature, people will see “Paid partnership with (brand)” at the top. As a result, users will see your brand’s name at the top while scrolling their feeds even if they don’t tap on the tags. This makes it easy for you to build brand awareness, and brand recall in the future.

Future of social media

Customisation may just be the future to meet the exact needs of various users. We will be sharing more exciting new insta add-ins along the way! Currently, which ones are your favourite? Remember to stay connected with us!