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8 Asian Influencers To Follow in 2020

By July 13, 2020July 10th, 2024No Comments

With the outbreak of COVID 19, many of you might be feeling bored at home with nothing to do. Therefore, we have picked out 8 Asian influencers that you can follow to pass time. These influencers come from varying locations all around Asia which explains why the content they create is diverse and unique.

Top Asian influencers 2020: #1. Jessica Chow

Asian influencers, Top Asian influencers 2020

Firstly, we have Jessica Chow (@jessicty), who is an influencer from Hong Kong. As you might be able to tell from her fashionable outfits, Jessica is a fashion influencer. That being said, she also specialises in beauty and travel-related topics.

A fun fact about Jessica is that she is bilingual. If you are a long time follower of hers, you would have realised that she posts in both Mandarin and English. This has helped her gain popularity with audiences from different parts of the world.

Do heed over to Jessica’s Instagram to check out the many aesthetically pleasing pictures she takes!

Top Asian influencers 2020: #2. Elaine Chiu

Secondly, we have Elaine Chiu (@elainechiuart), who is another influencer that is based in Hong Kong.

For those of you who have a keen eye when it comes to architecture, Elaine’s Instagram is the place for you. This is because Elaine is an artist who specializes in urban and cityscape painting – which explains the many amazing pieces of artwork on her social media account.

Her pieces are characterized by their authenticity, showing the ‘realest’ side of Hong Kong from the perspective of Elaine, the artist. If you are looking for an art influencer, do check out Elaine’s Instagram as she often uploads her artwork there.

Top Asian influencers 2020: #3. Russell Ong

Thirdly, we have Russell Ong (@russong), who is an influencer from the little red dot, Singapore. Russell’s Instagram features a range of content from sports to fashion and many more. However, there is one category that is rather apparent – travel.

From Europe to New Zealand, he has posted many of his amazing travels on his social media account. You can catch him in action doing activities like skiing, surfing and even diving on his Instagram page.

If you are upset about the fact that travelling is near possible due to the COVID 19 situation, there is no need to worry as the postings of travel influencers always come in handy.

Top Asian influencers 2020: #4. Hoa Trang

Fourthly, we have Hoa Trang (@hwajang), who is an influencer from Vietnam. Hoa Trang has over 110K followers, which makes her a macro influencer.

Her popularity on social media can be attributed to her expertise in beauty. Like many other beauty influencers, Hoa Trang can be often seen dishing out makeup tips for her followers.

To add on, Hoa Trang is also very well known for her creativity. She can be often seen trying out new makeup looks and even hair colours on her social media account. In fact, just a while ago she had green hair!

Top Asian influencers 2020: #5. Derek Lin


Next up, we have Derek Lin, (@derektsl), who is a travel influencer. From Tainan to California, Derek can be seen in places all over the globe.

If you are curious about his jet setting lifestyle, this is because he works as a flight attendant. Therefore, travelling can be considered a regular occurrence in his lifestyle. If you do check out his Instagram account, you will not be disappointed with the many scenic pictures he uploads.

Top Asian influencers 2020: #6. Ucita Pohan

Moving on, we have Ucita Pohan (@uchiet), who is a Indonesian influencer. With over 80,000 followers Ucita’s popularity is certainly apparent.

You can probably infer from her Instagram bio that Ucita is an extremely capable woman. From being a radio broadcaster to an author, Ucita is an influencer that wears many hats.

She might not adhere to social media ‘beauty’ standards of stick-thin models, however, she is attractive in her own way. By being confident in uploading her content, Ucita has used her platform to empower women to embrace themselves no matter what size they are.

Top Asian influencers 2020: #7. Trisha Velarmino

Seventh on our list would be Trisha Velarmino (@psimonmyway), an influencer from the Philippines. Trisha has been a very successful travel influencer. This can be seen from how even the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia recognises her talent and worked with her for 2 years for their Wonderful Indonesia Campaign.

The list of countries she has been to is endless. From historical sites like Machu Picchu to island getaways like Bali, Trisha is no stranger to varying environments.

Apart from using her social media accounts to document her amazing travels, Trisha has also tapped into her voice for a greater good. She is an avid activist on women’s and girls’ rights in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

It is certainly heartwarming to see influencers use their voice to advocate for the less privileged. Therefore, do head over to Trisha’s Instagram or even her blog to show support.

8. Karen Kho

Lastly, we have Karen Kho (@karenkh0) who is from Malaysia. She is a travel, fitness and lifestyle influencer. She is most well known for being an inspiration to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Apart from posting pictures of her active lifestyle, Karen also updates her Instagram account with the healthy and appetizing meals. For more detailed information about her fitness and health journey, do also check out her blog (karen-kho) for more!


In conclusion, these are 8 Asian influencers that we certainly think are worth a follow.

If you are interested in learning more about influencer marketing, do click here. There are also related articles which showcase some of the top influencers in each respective category.

*The respective pictures in this article do not belong to Kobe Global Technologies*

Sources, dbl-top-10-influencers-apac-2019/, 18-southeast-asian-instagram-influencers-you-should_b_57c09d90e4b0b01630de9f07