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Kobe Visits Facebook Office Part 2

By November 1, 2016July 9th, 2024No Comments

 A warm welcome to Facebook

To begin with, the moment once I stepped into Facebook office it is as if virtual Facebook comes to life. More accurately, the Singapore’s Facebook page – with iconic Singapore buildings like Gardens by the Bay, colouring the picturesque background as one gazes out the enormous windowpane.  This is just like how we have been more drawn to our Facebook wall with the inclusion of friendship and photos of events that were taken some time ago. Facebook office too greeted us with personalised company’s logo on it at the start of the tour.

Multiple vibrant areas within the office

The office is divided into two parts. They are open spaces and private meeting rooms. Firstly, there are multiple live screens showing up-to-date data and the most popular hashtags on Facebook. It also screens the most popular images on Instagram worldwide, which definitely triggers the vibrancy in the office.

Secondly, the snack and beer corner encourages open discussions. The concept is to keep the staff interconnected, just like how we use Facebook to connect to one another. Facebook also keeps the festive season close to heart, by placing Christmas themed candy.

Behind the screens shown above lies the corridor leading to the restroom.You can find stories on how Facebook has made real impacts on lives across the world just outside the door of their restroom.  These short breaks to the restroom helps us to be more focused and be reminded of the positive impact Facebook has made.

Wall of Creativity

Thirdly, there is also a wall that allow visitor to pen down their messages. The only limit to this wall is your creativity! If you observe closely to the image below, you would see a sketch drawn by my talented colleague! Right at the other end of the office it encompasses the latest liveliest Instagram feature– the boomerang! Boomerang  has all sort of emoji you can shout out to your audience, how cool is that? To wrap it all up, Facebook office has all the feature of its social media. From the wall of creativity to other cool features, it is certainly an eye opening tour.