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Influencer Marketing Growth in 2018

By October 7, 2018July 8th, 2024No Comments

Influencer marketing growth

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Influencer marketing 2018: influencer marketing trends 2018 is essential for influencer marketing growth. Influencer marketing has expanded exponentially over the past several years. Here is a look at what influencer marketing 2018 will likely hold.

Budgets for Influencer Marketing 2018 will increase

Influencers can also sway audiences during the consideration phase. They can be useful again, during the purchase/decision phase. By leveraging influencer content for retargeting ads, and incorporating affiliate/promo codes. Marketers are starting to set aside a larger proportion of their budget to carry out these impactful engagements. Many brands also have been confining “influencer” budgets to test budgets to try out and assess the effectiveness of this channel. 

Tracking and measuring campaigns is important

With increased spending, marketers need to find more scalable ways to track and measure their influencer marketing campaigns. 

Importance of fostering long-term relationships

two person writing on paper on brown wooden table

The relationship between brands and influencers will evolve the most in influencer marketing 2018. One where there is mutual respect and trust between the brand and influencer. Compared to the past one-directional traditional influencer programs, a quick, one-off campaign is long gone.

A more efficient influencer marketing marketplace


Today, it’s hard to find up-and-coming influencers. Also, it’s particularly cumbersome to work with 25 micro-influencers than with one large influencer. But marketers are coming to realize that micro-influencers can create incredible content, and drive significantly stronger engagement. Therefore, the upshot for 2018 is the marketers’ growing acceptance of micro-influencers. Also, the emergence of technology platforms that create efficiencies in working with a large set of influencers. Hence, we can anticipate the industry to shift into a more effective marketplace. Consequently, making it easier for new brands to engage in influencer marketing.