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influencer marketingInfluencer Marketing Strategy

How To Generate More Awareness With Influencer Marketing in 2018

By November 25, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

Ending Influencer Markting 2018

Free influencer marketing examples and influencer marketing strategy to end influencer marketing 2018 with a bang. There are a lot of other factors that are ultimately much more important than their reach. Perhaps more importantly, who exactly they are reaching with their updates. Because at the end of the day, to get great results from your campaign, you need to be able to reach the right people – people who would be genuinely interested in your products or your services and who are likely to buy from you.

Look Beyond the Numbers

What makes you think someone is a social influencer?

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It is the number of followers/fans, right? It is only natural – if you see someone who has an audience of 200K followers on Twitter, you can easily assume that that also means they are influential simply because they have that many people following them.

But that is not necessarily true. And even if it is true, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the right option for you, either.


There are a lot of other factors that are ultimately much more important than their reach. Perhaps more importantly, who exactly they are reaching with their updates. Because at the end of the day, to get great results from your campaign, you need to be able to reach the right people – people who would be genuinely interested in your products or your services and who are likely to buy from you.


Turn Micro-Influencers Into Your Brand Ambassadors

There are some very inspiring examples out there of brands working with influencers successfully.

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One such impressive example comes from ASOS, the giant online clothing brand, who uses an entire network of social influencers from all over the world, both men and women.

The influencers, known as ASOS Insiders, all use “asos_their name” as their Instagram handles and regularly post updates helping promote the brand to their audience.


However, what is so great about these insiders is that they are micro-influencers – meaning that, in most cases, they have fewer than 100K followers but have fantastic engagement rates.


Leverage UGC and Regular People

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“Regular” people – i.e., regular social media users – can be a highly effective promotional tool for your business. Marketers have always named word-of-mouth as one of the most effective strategies. But when you bring it to social media, its power is even more impressive with greater reach. You can refer to many other influencer marketing examples to prove.


Before social media brands were striving to get people talking about them with their friends and family; they can now leverage online platforms that can have a worldwide reach, beyond just friends.