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Digital Marketing Singapore: Influencer Marketing Landscape in 2018

By September 9, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

Digital marketing Singapore

Did you know that Singapore is one of the most socially connected countries on earth? What are some top social media agency singapore or digital marketing agency singapore that you can work with to leverage on influencer marketing?

Image result for singapore social media landscapeSingapore social media landscape


Certainly, our Singaporean social media statistics, Facebook memberships and usages are at a skyhigh. Consequently, with a ratio of 9 in 10 having access to a smartphone, we trump global smartphone penetration.

The way to own a successful business in Singapore is, therefore, through social media. The fastest route to your customers seems like engaging social influencers.

Although engaging with these social influencers can be challenging, but it can be rewarding. If you own a quality product or service, these influencers will become your best brand advocates.

Difference between traditional marketing vs influencer marketing

Image result for traditional marketing vs influencer marketing

Unlike regular passive advertising approach, where people have the choice to ignore or take it with the obvious intention to sell. Influencer advertising is like a recommendation by the friend who you trust. It is that extra “oh, I didn’t know” that pushes your purchase decision.

What to avoid in influencer marketing

Seems like it is not all rosy in influencer marketing, there are dangers too. If you fail to deliver what you promised, devastating effect is expected.

Tips for influencer marketing

The fashion of influencer marketing is the digital notion of the old fashioned “word of mouth”. Hence, you should start catching up with the usage of the current most powerful influencers, as your competitors probably are. It’s time to switch up your marketing game! Start turning most followed quality influencers into band advocates with persuasion and relationship building.

Let them know you want to work with them! One way could be through sending PR kits- showcasing your products with personalised handwritten cards!

How powerful is social media word of mouth?

74% of consumers rely on social networks in their purchases. Thus, it is a growing area where brands need to start focusing on to maximise sales in Singapore.

Digital Marketing Singapore?


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Tapping into social media marketing is certainly not a wrong choice in Singapore, due to it’s peoples’ to take risks in purchases. With word of mouth advertising, products/services endorsed by a celebrity, friends, or respected influencers enjoy surge in purchases. Budgeting into social marketing early is not only wise, but important for your brand’s campaigns.


As a status-driven society, millennials in Singapore follow influencers as role models. Even in behaviours, choice of brands, especially what to wear and buy. The reminding importance of third party recommendations is why influencer marketing is winning.

Hence, it is never too late.

Start to include social influencers in your public relations! Finally, remember that they are humans not tools!