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5 Influencer Marketing Campaign Goals to Consider in 2018

By September 9, 2018July 4th, 2024No Comments

Learn Influencer Marketing

Consumers have always looked up to experts, peers, or friends for guidance and recommendations on their purchases. This is why influencer campaign has been successful as influence is clearly an integral part of consumer buying decisions. Learn the keys to influencer marketing with our 5 important influencer campaign goals. 

5 Keys to Influencer Marketing for your Brand


Only a goal-oriented influencer marketing strategy can bring success. Let’s take a look at 5 of the most important influencer marketing goals your brand should focus on. We’ll also take a look at a few strategies that can work best for each of them.

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1. Brand Awareness


One of the most important keys to influencer marketing is to focus on  increasing brand awareness. Potential converts will only convert into real customers when they begin to recognize and see your brand. When done right, influencer marketing can help you tap into the already established audience and reach of an influencer to raise brand awareness.

To do this, you need to focus on influencer marketing strategies that will get you brand mentions, followers, and shares. Influencers can encourage followers to share your branded content using relevant and effective hashtags.

Brand Mentions

You can ask influencers to introduce your brand to their audiences. Most influencers talk about brands they genuinely love. So make sure you connect with the right influencers to meet your influencer marketing goal.

The influencer you collaborate with should have an audience you want to target and a personality that fits your brand.

Product Reviews


Influencers can feature your brand’s products or services in their posts. However, it needs to be more of a review in which the influencer shares their experience using your products. It must not sound salesy or pushy.

This post where Faith Marie, a beauty addict, shares her love for the skincare brand Caudalie, is a great example.

Contests or Giveaways

Collaborating with influencers to host giveaways and contests is a great way to gain more brand exposure. This exposes your brand to a new audience who can be your potential customers. Contests and giveaways can help to engage a large audience.

If your influencer marketing goal is to boost brand awareness, you need to encourage sharing of your content using contests. Use branded hashtags to gain more exposure for your brand.

2. Traffic

 influencer campaign, keys to influencer marketing, learn influencer marketing

Boosting your website traffic is an important influencer marketing goal that you must not overlook. But not all traffic is created equal. You should focus on getting traffic that is relevant and which can lead to conversions.

To drive traffic to your website consistently, you should focus on creating engaging content. You can do this through:

Sponsored Blog Posts

Take advantage of every opportunity that allows you to engage a crowd. You can connect with bloggers and ask them to write blog posts featuring your brand. Not only can this be great to boost your visibility among their audience, but also a way to drive traffic to your website. So make sure that your influencers include links to your products or website on their posts. This will help you drive traffic, which is one of the most important marketing goals for a brand.

Guest Posts

You can also write guest posts for high-authority sites with a link back to your website. Respond to every query on the published post to engage readers and drive them to your website.

Leo Widrich, the co-founder of Buffer. wrote about 150 guest posts within the first nine months of their launch. This drove a massive amount of traffic to the app and helped him achieve his influencer marketing goal. It increased their customer base from zero to 100K customers in just nine months.

3. Sales and Lead Generation

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The primary goal of all marketing efforts is to generate leads and drive sales and profits.

If your influencer marketing goal is to drive sales, relying only on shoutouts or product reviews won’t work. You need to focus on strategies that can give you conversions.


Affiliate Marketing and Promo Codes

You should come up with campaigns that will benefit both the influencer and their followers (potential customers). The best idea is to meet this influencer marketing goal is to make use of affiliate marketing and discount codes.

This campaign would involve a custom discount code that can encourage consumers to make a purchase. You can also provide your influencers with affiliate links that will help you track sales driven by them. Then, you can offer commissions to the influencers for every sale they drive.

4. Social Media Followers and Engagement


Image result for Social Media Followers and EngagementWhen you focus on increasing brand awareness, you may also see an increase in your social followers and engagement. It is easy to combine these two influencer marketing goals together as they complement each other.

No matter what your follower count is, I’m sure you’ll always be looking to grow them. To get more followers, you need to focus on building a strong bond with influencers. Establishing strong bonds with your influencers can help to increase brand awareness and follower count.

However, having a large number of followers isn’t enough. It is important that followers engage with your content. This can be possible only through interesting and engaging content that helps you connect with your audience. In fact, 90% of marketers consider engagement to be the most important performance indicator of an influencer campaign.


A takeover is an effective influencer campaign where you let an influencer take over your social media profile for a short period of time. It may be for a day or an entire week.

This is a great way to strengthen your relationship with your influencers and get their audience to engage with your brand. A successful takeover will help you meet multiple influencer marketing goals.

However, before you attempt a takeover, make sure that you have worked with the influencer for a few campaigns and can trust them. The more trust you build with your influencers, the better results you can expect.

Takeovers can be of two types. You can let an influencer take complete access over one or more of your social media profiles. Or, you can ask the influencer to send you the content and you can post them on their behalf.

Brand Ambassadors

Look at your current influencer collaborations to spot the ones who share the same beliefs as you. If you have worked with them on several good campaigns, you should think of establishing a meaningful, long-term partnership.

Make them your brand ambassadors – the faces of your brand. This will help to make them feel more valued. And this will directly reflect on their work too. Brand ambassador programs can drive more followers and increase engagement. They will provide great support to help you achieve your influencer marketing goals.

5. Reputation

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Every brand wants to strengthen their brand image and earn a good reputation among their potential customers. The best way to do this is to build meaningful partnerships with relevant influencers.

Consumers trust their peers, friends, and their favorite influencers. It is important for brands to get their influencers to trust them. These influencers will then help you convert people into loyal customers for your brand. 


One effective way to make your influencers feel valued is to host an event for them. You can send invites to influencers who have done a good job with campaigns. It will make them feel appreciated and will help you make a stronger connection with them. Hosting an event can be an opportunity to create more engaging content for your brand. With influencers talking about being a part of the event, your brand will gain greater exposure.


Sending gifts to your favorite influencers can be another way to make them feel valued. Influencers, like normal people, love gifts and often take the time to share a genuine post about how they feel about the gift. These little efforts can take your influencer collaborations a long way. Such posts by influencers add to the credibility of your brand.