New instagram algorithm 2018
Although Instagram is a “social” media platform, to grow your profile is not exactly about how many instagram followers you have. Understanding the new Instagram algorithm 2018 is the answer to how to increase reach on Instagram 2018.
What’s important?
The algorithm recognises 2 things: your reach and retainment. If you can do both on Instagram, you will grow. The amount of Instagram followers/people you reach (how many sees it) and the percentage of them you retain (that follows you) once your account is discovered.
Ways to increase your reach
1. Instagram Hashtags
Instagram Hashtags are the basis of interest searches. The use of hashtags filters the relevant people and content you want to see and it’s the most useful for that topic. Find out where to best place your hashtags for more Instagram followers as to how to increase reach on Instagram 2018 here.
Different hashtags bring you different engagement rates. If you got a decently high engagement, its true enough that you will get featured in the top few posts. This algorithm works very similarly to the google search engine. You can optimise your profile to appear as one of the top searches. Hard work does pay off.
2. Posts

You can start by posting more, starting from once a day every week… then twice a day. Keep measuring and upon continuing this process, you will find an appropriate number of posts to sustain a healthy rapid growth for your profile.
You can use the social blade as an analytics tool to measure your growth simply because it’s free Hootsuite has also partnered with Instagram to allow business profiles to schedule their posts.
3. Interactions
Interactions, comments, and likes by people you know (or not). Get your content as relevant as possible, so people that like these topics will like, comment and follow you. That’s how you grow.
4. Tags
Tags, those who tagged you are considered “related” to you. The more tags, the more you are connected. For example, if you are tagged to someone of high popularity, with a big following and high engagement.
Nothing really beats authentic relationships, and hence this organic cross-promotion is the most effective and sincere promotion in this circle of business. Not forgetting giveaways (where your followers tag their friends), content collaborations with brands (where big brands tag you or vice versa) are time worthwhile investments.