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2023’s Social Trends That Will Take You To The Next LevelSocial media, in today’s society, has become an integral aspect of people’s daily routines and lives. It is the first thing that most people check when they wake up and the last thing that they scroll through before they sleep.

Given that social media holds significant importance in many people’s lives, brands and marketers need to leverage that in order to connect with them. With that being said, there is also a lot of existing content on social media platforms, resulting in serious competition. Unless you have a distinct social media marketing strategy, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition.

Therefore, to help take your brand to the next level, we have compiled a couple of social trends you might want to use to fuel your marketing campaign in 2023.

1. Social commerce

We have seen the ever-growing rise of e-commerce on social media platforms in recent years, such as Instagram shopping. This year, we expect this social trend to rise even further. When internet users from 16 to 64 years old were surveyed, results found that 28 per cent of them use social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, to get inspiration for products to get. 26 per cent of them use social media platforms to purchase products, and 23 per cent of them use social media platforms to follow their favourite brands.

With that being said, it is not at all a smooth journey for social commerce. Despite the significant growth over the years, some brands might not benefit from such a trend. Before implementing social commerce in your brand campaign, you might want to conduct extensive research on your preferred platform and target market to see if it is viable to do so.

2. Domination of bite-sized or short-form content

With the development of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, it is clear that the shift to bite-sized or short-form content is the way to go to get consumers’ attention. Furthermore, we expect in the years to come that video content will be a crucial bulk of online content. Aside from being capable of engaging potential consumers, bite-sized or short-form content are beneficial for education and marketing.

Ensuring that quality is not compromised while keeping content short and bite-sized is crucial in such a trend. Apart from serving the shorter attention spans of modern consumers, ensuring that the generated content is kept to high-quality can help your brand to stand out from the competition, generating significant engagement with targeted consumers.

3. The use of nano- and micro-influencers in KOL marketing strategies

KOL marketing strategies are not just about working with famous social media influencers on TikTok or Instagram. Although they are at the top of the social influencer tier with a massive following, their engagement also comes at an exorbitant cost, which might be a limiting factor for smaller and newer brands.

Consumers in today’s time are shifting towards authentic and genuine user experience and are more open to engaging with influencers, KOLs, and brands that are real, authentic, and beneficial. Hence, in the years to come, you can expect to witness more brands partnering with nano- and micro-influencers in KOL-generated content. Although they do not have as big a following as macro- or mega-influencers, their smaller pools of loyal followers also mean a better engagement rate. Brands can leverage that and target a more focused and intentional group of consumers.


These are some of 2023’s social trends that can help your brand dominate the social landscape. While they are not all that there is, taking advantage of such social trends allows you to keep your brand ahead and better equipped for expansion and growth. At the end of the day, it is crucial to note that social media is a competitive and dynamic space. What worked for your brand last year does not guarantee the same results this year. Always keep yourself up-to-date with the latest initiatives and trends to stay ahead.

Finally, if you are looking for effective influencer and social media marketing solutions, then look no further than Kobe. With our patented AI-driven advertising platform, we are able to find the best-suited influencer and KOL for brands. For more information, find out more at today.