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Increasing your Instagram Organic Reach in 2018

By September 1, 2018July 8th, 2024No Comments

How to increase reach on instagram 2018

Instagram added two features that will alter the content in users’ feeds: The ability to follow hashtags will surface hashtag-focused posts, and a “Recommended for you” section will show posts friends have liked.

Instagram Organic Reach 2018 with Instagram algorithm


Image result for instagram algorithmWhen it comes to organic reach on the platform, both changes have favorable and unfortunate implications for influencers and many brands.

We have compiled a list of implications to instagram algorithm and Instagram Organic Reach 2018.

1. Get discovered easily

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There’s a lot of “sponsored posts” and now we can imagine plenty of sponsored posts on our Instagram Feed. The recommended posts function makes a form of strong advertising as it captures a trusted referral through word of mouth. For the time being, Instagram said it has no plans to place sponsored posts in the “Recommended for you” section. With the new ability to follow hashtags, marketers can capitalize on trending conversations!


2. Hashtag abuse

Image result for hashtag instagram


One common way we know to increase discoverability is through the use of hashtags. Hashtags are essentially free for all, and you don’t need qualifications before placing them. Find out where to place your hashtags, in comments or your caption here.

As a result, more trending hashtags may be added to Instagram posts and Stories, which could lead to hashtag abuse. “The real challenge on all of us [is] determining which hashtags are actually relevant and can add value to conversations,” said Amanda Peters, group strategy director at Wunderman.

Space150′ social media engagement supervisor, said brands and influencers should start strategizing about organic Instagram content like SEO. “The image, copy and especially hashtag usages should serve a specific strategic purpose to maximize organic reach,” she said.

3. Clutter will increase


Image result for instagram tailor algorithmThis means users have to scroll through more content to reach all organic content. Ever since 2016, Instagram algorithm is switched from a chronological algorithm to one that tailors posts for each specific user, brands have to pay to be seen. Instagram said the new changes will not impact where paid ads will appear within user feeds. Posts that are not backed by a robust paid Instagram strategy are likely to be further buried.


New hashtag-related posts

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The new hashtag-related posts will follow the platform’s same algorithm. If a user follows a certain hashtag, Instagram will determine which posts to show. For example, the user chose“#food”, posts that appear in their feed is based on recency and quality. There is no limit on how many hashtag-related posts appear in a user’s feed.

Recommended for you Function


Image result for recommended for you instagramMeanwhile, the “Recommended for you” section will appear after a user has viewed all of their new posts. This include three to five posts. Consequently, users who open and close the app more often will see the “Recommended for you” section more frequently.



Still, there are no guarantee brands’ and influencers’ hashtagged posts will appear in users’ feeds. Either way, advertisers look forward to seeing which hashtags users end up following.