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Personalized Marketing For Businesses

By April 10, 2017July 9th, 2024No Comments

Guide to Personalised Marketing

Personalized marketing is one of the best way to stay ahead of your competitors. If you haven’t heard this latest buzz phrase yet, you’re missing out!  “Personalised marketing at scale” might be fast becoming the newest digital marketing trend and  it represents a new way of thinking that will permanently transform our media approach.

Personalized Marketing: The Ultimate Solution To Boost Sales

Personalized marketing is the use of data analysis and digital technology to deliver individualized messages and product offerings to current or prospective customers. It is the ability to reach different consumers by tailoring creative messages to meet customer’s psychographics and demographics. It is definitely a wonderful way to  boost the recognition of your brand.

High Cost with GREAT RETURNS

Many say that personalised marketing often comes at great cost but the ROI (return on investment) is certainly worth it. You can save high amount of time, effort and money in terms of advertising your products and services if you do it right. Think of personalised marketing as a long term investment, it will payoff in the long run as you will maintain a loyal pool of customers.

Tips and Tricks to Step up your Personalised Marketing Efforts


targeting your audience, influencer marketing, optimization


1. Know your Target Audience

Know your target audience so that you can utilize the right marketing channels to reach them. The perks of personalising your campaign is the opportunity to produce affirmative and fruitful results while maintaining a long term relationship with them. To do so, make sure you know your target customers inside out – Where do they live? What time do they shop? How’s their income level like?

2. Direct Mail

Not sure where to start? Start off your personalised marketing efforts with direct mail. This is the best way to reach out to many potential customers without sacrificing a big sum of money, effort and time. Tailoring your marketing message to each customer groups ensures great results.

3. Set Up Automated Behavioral Trigger Emails

Behavior-triggered emails are real-time reactions to how your customers are using your product. An example would be Facebook sending you an email to remind you that you haven’t logged in for 5 days.

Trigger emails have a 152% higher open rate compared with traditional emails. As such, they are a valuable communication tool and convert window shoppers into lifelong customers.

Trigger emails are easily automated and can be sent to customers for multiple actions. It could be as simple as a welcome email to your website or to up sell your products. Technology as such can make it easy for marketers to leverage on when they are doing personalised marketing.

On a final note….

While personalised marketing is a great way to reach out to your customers, ensure you do not cross the line.  Not all customers are comfortable brands using their information to customise marketing messages towards them and some may even  find it repulsive hence shunning away from your brand. Make sure it is relevant to your customers and whatever you are doing makes them feel welcome.