As the saying goes, health is wealth.
Health is a universal right of every single human being.
It is the greatest gift of life.
At the same time, it can be as fragile as glass
There really is no fixing once broken
Therefore, we wanted to shed light on how crucial it is to take care of oneself.
While we like worker ants hustle around our daily lives, meeting the endless expectations thrown at us, health should still remain a priority amidst these relentless demands of life.
In 1930, a young man discovered Rauwolfia serpentina, the root of a plant. He then went on to start a company incorporating such herbs into his products. Today, people know this company as Himalaya, who has brought 300 million health care products to the homes of many.
At the heart of the Himalaya mission is the belief that good health should be accessible to everyone. Therefore, a good variety of influencers were chosen for this campaign, to place emphasis on including everyone in the quest for good health.